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Monday 21 July 2014

Identity theft, scams, and hacking - these are just a few of the security problems and crimes that can hound you as you explore the cyberspace. These cyber crimes can threaten your security. Be warned that hacking is among the biggest woes known in the Internet. Unfortunately, you leave your website open to let everyone in; not so smart, but it is just how it goes in the big web. The problem sets in when some trigger-happy criminals and hackers get to unlock your password, sometimes just for cheap thrill of it. For you, however, it brings a threatening thought that your files, records, and financial information are never safe in the computer. Whoever cracks your password, gets access to these.

Make Unhackable Password

Passwords are not supposed to be passed by anyone, except by the account owner. You need to guard it particularly when it is a mine of vital digital data. If you are among those people who do not give much thought to passwords, beware. Keeping your account and website secure requires commitment. Once your account or website “goes live” you are already welcoming everyone inside, and that includes criminal-minded hackers. Once expert hackers make your account or website their target, soon enough they will be able to crack your password. There is no such thing as “uncrackable password” but you can make it harder for them. Your goal is to make that hacking process a difficult one so that they give up and find another target.

There is really no perfect strategy to make your account or website hack-proof; just make it a little harder for them. Do you know how to make a password “un-hackable” so that you keep your account safe?

Make Your Passwords Hard to Crack:

One of the easiest ways to breach security is by cracking the password. This is why it pays to adhere to rules on how to create strong passwords, as this is about the most ideal answer to hacking prevention. It is like a mind game where you need to outsmart the hackers.

Do you know that ethical hackers use wordlist that list combinations of possible words that you might use as password?
This combination is only consists of abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 and other allowed characters like _ and a period. That's right, brute force password hacking is straight out guessing, but this guessing process is amplified by a computer.

Now what can you do to prevent this?
Make an un-hackable password, a password that is not included in every wordlist or a password that is very easy to remember.

Off Limits!
Remember that a wordlist just consists of letters a to z and numbers 0 to 9 and other allowed characters. If you are thinking of including characters like #, $, % or even ? and !, you cannot because these characters are not allowed to be in a password.

The password making.
This is very simple. Include letters and numbers. Capitalize the first letter to make it look stronger. Adding a plain SPACE, which is not often done can make a huge difference. Funny, by simply adding space before the password, you can make an un-hackable password.  

Example: If my old password is "nsane_000" simple change it to “nsane_00" (without the quotations I just put it to emphasize the space).

Yes, it’s that simple. And if you want to make your password easy to remember, simply choose a password and make it your password on all your accounts so you won't forget it.


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